What Is Akela's Council? Crossroads of the West Council has planned this exciting 3 1/2 day Cub Scout Leader Training for those who have completed the Leader Basic Training. This fast-paced and inspiring training covers den doodles, den yells, relationships, Cub Scout forms, resources, New Adventure Program, skits, puppets, charter renewal, BSA policies, insignia, Webelos Outdoor Experience, Cub Scouts with disabilities and much more. Any Cub Scout Leader from any council is invited to attend.
New Cub Scout Parent Pamphlet-editable pdf
Thanks to Julianne Anderson for donating this idea. She is Cubmaster of Pack 62, Hobble Creek District, Utah National Parks Council.
When my son turned 8 he was so excited to join cub scouts. I grew up with 3 younger brothers; however, all I can remember is my brothers wore a blue uniform shirt with a neckerchief, including a neckerchief slide that usually fell off, and we sometimes went to pack meetings. I figured my son would go every week, earn some awards at his meetings, and I would sew patches to his shirt. That was the extent of my scouting knowledge and preparation. On my first trip to the scout shop to purchase supplies for my son I was overwhelmed by the various choices, and the cost involved, to get my son ready for scouts.
About 6 months after my son joined cub scouts I was asked to serve as Cubmaster over his pack. Through the basic Cubmaster training I learned how cub scouts is supposed to run; with leaders and families working together to help mold and shape young boys, and have fun while doing it.
Now armed with some scouting knowledge, I wanted to create an easy-to-read, single page pamphlet to give to new parents to help give them the basic information, plus help them understand everyone’s role in scouting.
Here are two different editable pdf documents that you can use in your dens or packs. One has more editable text forms than the other, but they are in the same basic format. Some of the information is from scouting.org, and some of the den leader/parent/cub scout responsibilities ideas were taken from this blog post http://akelascouncil.blogspot.com/2013/02/cub-scout-orientation-for-new-cub.html .
** PLEASE do not download these files and email or send them digitally to others. These are for your personal use only. If you would like to share these files with others, please copy the link to this post and send them to our site so they can print off their own. We would love to have everyone that would like a copy to come here to print their own off absolutely free. We receive money to keep our website open where we store all of our documents and PDF files by people visiting our blog. Please don't take money out of our pockets by bypassing our blog.