To request the Alberta birth certificate for your child, please first visit Register a birth at and complete the online form to register the birth of your child; the person who gave birth must be the one to complete the form. This cannot be done on mobile – please speak to the Unit Social Worker if you need a digital tablet and/or assistance.
Registering the birth in Alberta’s Vital Statistics takes an average of 2-3 weeks for the information to be entered into the data base.
In Alberta, Registry Offices supply birth certificates. You can call Vital Statistics to confirm the birth is registered and you are now able to request the birth certificate.
You can obtain the Alberta birth certificate through the following steps:
Registry Offices in Edmonton:
Go to your Territorial government website and download an application form or get one from your local health centre.
For NWT residents: You must obtain the birth certificate before you apply for health care as a copy of the birth certificate must be sent with the Application for Health Care.
For Nunavut residents: You can apply for you newborn’s health care without a birth certificate for up to one year, but after that you must submit a birth certificate.
In the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, BCG and Hepatitis vaccines are given at birth, usually in hospital before discharge.
In Alberta, immunizations are not started until the age of 2 months unless under special circumstances. If your baby is in hospital after the age of 2 months, they will be given immunizations according to the Alberta Immunization schedule. If your baby is given an immunization, you will receive an immunization card which you should take to your public health nurse when you return north. Your baby may need a BCG and Hepatitis vaccine to catch them up to the NWT/NU schedule.
Infants under the age of 7 days require a medical certificate to fly on a commercial airline. You can ask your baby’s doctor to give you a note that your baby is fit to fly or obtain a form from your NHSN Nurse.